Contest Entry Post, Sometimes You Win Things!

Last week Beryl over at the lovely lifestyle blog Beryl Lynn had an Etsy giveaway.  I entered (lots and lots) and guess what, I won something!  I won a set of gorgeous business cards from Avie Designs.  Here is what they look like:

Pretty, right?  I have been wanting business cards for awhile, because I feel that they are a mark of being a serious adult.  I wonder what gave me that idea…

Oh, right.  Anyways.

So now I am going to write a blog post to get myself more contest entries, namely, I want this, and luckily the nice folks at Big Girls, Small Kitchen are giving some away as part of their brown bag lunch challenge week.

Now I don’t know about y’all, but when I worked I almost always brought my lunch to work with me.  Now that I am semi-employed I am still bringing my lunch with me–today it was leftover whole wheat pasta tossed with some tomatoes, mozzarella, white beans and pesto to make a quick and easy pasta salad.  I got my inspiration for the dish, which is a favorite of mine, from Deb over at the Smitten Kitchen.  Just make her version of a caprese salad (really tasty on its own mind you) and toss it with some cold pasta.  So so so easy y’all.

I love bringing my own lunch to work, most people look at me all jealous and it gives me a sense of satisfaction: I am feeding myself and I am being frugal!  Often lunch is delicious leftovers, such as butternut squash soup or some lentils.  Sometimes I whip up a quick tuna salad on some lettuce.  Sometimes I am really in a rush and I just make a quick peanut butter sandwich.  I always accompany my lunch with a diet coke (also brought from home, no need to spend a dollar on a can from the nearby deli!) and bring some Greek yogurt or a banana for a snack later on.  So easy, so sensible!

And you know what would make my from-home lunch even better?  An adorable BuiltNY lunch tote in which to carry it.  So I hope that my online contest entry luck stays strong and that the Big Girls, Small Kitchen folks pick me as a winner! 

2 thoughts on “Contest Entry Post, Sometimes You Win Things!

  1. Your blog is great, so it is my pleasure to spread the word! I found it over at The Kitchn which is quickly becoming one of my go-to online food resources. Looking forward to mining your site for recipes and tips!

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